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Dallas Bay Fire & Rescue Joins Community for Halloween Festivities

Dallas Bay Fire & Rescue joined three major subdivisions in our district on Halloween evening. Static displays of fire department apparatus were set up so the children of the district could tour the trucks, meet the firefighters, get candy, and take photos. Our personnel were on-hand to answer any questions the members of our community might have regarding our services. We visited the following subdivisions: District 1 - Stonewall Farms, District 2 - Sedman Hills, and District 3 - The Canyons. Well over 2,000 children visited our events allowing our department to engage with thousands of community members and build relationships with those we are proud to serve.

As part of our Fire Prevention and Public Education Division, our Community Engagement Initiative creates opportunities for our department to answer questions and build relationships with our community. We believe that the time to build relationships is before an emergency occurs. We look forward to any opportunity to meet our citizens. If you are interested in us visiting your event, contact us today!

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